January Newsletter

The winter holidays went by in a blur, and it is great to see everyone again! I hope everyone had a relaxing break and I am looking forward to lessons and beginning new musical journeys. I am looking forward to the new term and the upcoming events!
**Payment can be made by cheque, E-Transfer, or credit card.**
Second Term invoices will be sent out in the next week. You will receive your invoice through EMAIL.
Students who completed the Pizza Party Challenge Chart; it will take place on Sunday, February 3rd, 1:30-3:00pm at the studio. Please let me know if you are able to attend by writing your name on the sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board.
Sunday, March 3rd – 2-5pm
Join Diana for an afternoon of vocal exercises and discoveries! An informal event, with a “mini” performance at the end of the afternoon. This event will take place in the Lounge of St. Helen’s Church. Sign-up sheet posted on the studio bulletin board.
Important Dates – Term 2
Sunday, February 3rd– Pizza Party – 1:30-3:00pm
Tuesday, February 5th – Term 2 Tuition Due
Saturday, February 16th– Monday, February 18th– NO LESSONS ~ Family Day Weekend
Sunday, March 3rd– Vocal Music Workshop @ St. Helen’s Anglican Church
Sunday, March 17th– Sunday, March 31st– Spring Break – NO LESSONS
Thursday, April 18th– Monday, April 22nd– Easter Break – NO LESSONS
Saturday, May 18th– Monday, May 20th– Victoria Day Weekend – NO LESSONS
Sunday, June 9th– Year End Recitals @ St. Helen’s Anglican Church
Last Day of Lessons
Tuesday – June 18th
Wednesday – June 26th
Thursday – June 27th
Friday – June 21st
Saturday – June 29th